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FREE 30-Day Trial!

The ‘Download’ button allows you to install the current full version of the software (FSM-CRDGL, ExcelFSM, WordFSM), not just a demo.
The software will run for 30 days without a license.
After that free trial period, the purchase of an annual license will allow you to continue using the software.

New for 2025:

Do Accounting Without Any Typing!

with the FSM - Cash Receipts/Disbursements General Ledger  

Annual license $49.95

Installation guide for the FSM-CRDGL

See How It Works

Excel FSM

Options - check the optional features to add to ExcelFSM:
 Consolidated FS

 Working papers

 Universal GLDD(GLdata from excel file)

                                       Direct access     General Ledger   
                                    to software data       Drill Down

QuickBooks Online                        

QuickBooks Desktop

          for Excel 32-bit                     

          for Excel 64-bit                     


Excel FSM
Annual license $69.95

Options - check the optional features to add to ExcelFSM:
 Consolidated FS $29.95

 Working papers $79.95

 Universal GLDD(GLdata from excel file) $99.95

                                       Direct access     General Ledger   
                                    to software data       Drill Down

QuickBooks Online     $29.95 $99.95

QuickBooks Desktop  $29.95 $99.95


It is one license per seat.

Discounts are available depending on the number of licenses and on the optional features added. You can contact us before buying and ask if you can get a discount coupon code.
Installation guide for ExcelFSM
Installation guide for ExcelFSM with QuickBooks Desktop feature

Uninstalling ExcelFSM

Getting started

After ExcelFSM has been successfully installed, click one of the following for tips to get started:

     ExcelFSM with QuickBooks Desktop feature
     ExcelFSM with QuickBooks Online feature

Word FSM

Options - check the optional features to add to WordFSM:

                                       Direct access     General Ledger
                                    to software data       Drill Down
QuickBooks Online                        
QuickBooks Desktop
         for Word 32-bit                     
         for Word 64-bit                     


Word FSM
Annual license $69.95

Options - check the optional features to add to WordFSM:

                                       Direct access     General Ledger
                                    to software data       Drill Down
QuickBooks Online     $29.95 $99.95
QuickBooks Desktop  $29.95 $99.95


Getting started

After WordFSM has been successfully installed:

     - Double-click the demo file   ‘FSM Non Profit Organization Sample 12-31-2010.docx’    located on your desktop, in the ‘WordFSM Demo Files’ folder.

     - Refer to WordFSM page and to the help to learn how it works.

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